October 13, 2008

Thomas J. Walsh Receives The Alberta Order Of Excellence

Thomas J. Walsh, Q.C., founder of Walsh LLP, received the Alberta Order of Excellence in a ceremony in Edmonton, Alberta on October 9, 2008. Mr. Walsh joins a group of 93 Honorees since the first Alberta Order of Excellence was handed out to Ernest Manning in 1981.

Tom Walsh graduated from the University of Alberta Law School in Spring of 1953 having been a Flying Officer, RCAF with 418 Squadron, City of Edmonton Reserve from 1950 to 1952.

Tom created our firm on January 1st, 1959.

Mr. Walsh has received numerous awards and recognitions over his lengthy and storied career not limited to being National President of the Canadian Bar Association, the founding Chairman of the Calgary Parks Foundation, a founding member of the Calgary Winter Festival, President of the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and most recently, Chairman of the Calgary Airport Authority.

Tom has been a Bencher with the Alberta Law Society and is an honorary member of the Bar of Paris, France, the American Bar Association and the Law Society of the Provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Tom is a member of the Order of Canada and is a life Member of the Calgary Stampede, the highest honour awarded to volunteers in that organization.

On October 16, 2008 his colleagues at the Alberta Bar, friends in the Judiciary and the organizations in which Tom has participated over his many years of volunteer service will gather for a Tribute to Tommy at the Palliser Hotel.